Our Programs

Provide Book Access & Choice

  • We recreate the joy and excitement of childhood book fairs without the price tag. By partnering with community organizations and ACPS schools, we provide thousands of engaging books for children and families to choose from.

  • We help fill robust classroom libraires with high-quality titles so that they can be read, discussed, read aloud and loved by many children and their teachers.

  • Sharing shelves in preschool classrooms and rec centers provide ready access to books for children to take home and read with their families.

Collaborate with Reading Role Models

  • We partner with community members and various service organizations to help children and families to select books and share their love of reading. Our book tables provide as much joy to our volunteers as our book recipients!

Promote Literacy through Family Outreach

  • We use our extensive book knowledge to curate collections for our give aways, classroom libraries and sharing shelves as well as our recommendations for the most loved books to be shared by families.

  • We are working to build home libraries for our Alexandria preschoolers so that they are being read to at home. We know early access to books and lauguage is a great predictor of literacy outcomes.

  • We partner with Alexandria literacy organizations and ACPS teachers, coaches and leaders to advocate for the needs of readers and their families as well as creating resources to help them raise readers. As a founding member of ALI, the Alexandria Literacy Initiative, we are working to share best practices with families and community members who interact with children so that we can all help raise readers.